Oh yeah, We Are Back!!!

So….it’s been a while if you only follow us on the blog. And if you only follow us here…get with the times! We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter…come on already!! Click one of those cool floaty buttons over there on the right —>

So much has went down in the last 6 months…I started this huge upgrade/overhaul of the website. Then…my motivation just vanished. I got busy; I got stressed; then this happened:

Out with the old….


And in with the new….


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, we move a lot. I can’t help myself! I like it!

Tonight’s post is going to be a quick one. I only plan on posting once a week on the blog on a general basis. Most a weekly catch up to let you see everything that has been going on with the girls. I will be mostly sticking with ‘microblogging’ because I really like it. I will be using Facebook more to give you the cute little things that happen during the day. I want to build an audience over there because I like how I can post, and interact with fans. I want to use the blog for longer stories, product reviews, and giveaways.

And, in case you have been living under some dark, heavy, cold rock somewhere…this sweet girl is ALL MINE now!!


I wasn’t looking for a clown to come live with me, but I’ve ended up with a sweet, silly girl in Molly Brown. I can’t wait to share her stories; you will laugh your ass off!

Welcome, Welcome!

So, I join the ranks of the self-hosted blogs. It’s new for me…but so far, it’s ok! A little frustration but I’m expecting good things. Right now, I’m using wordpress. It has worked for me in the past and I like how I don’t really need to know how to write code to make myself a website.

Well, what is going to change you might ask? Well, first one thing that won’t-this blog is still about my awesome coonhounds! The title of my blog has changed. I wanted something a bit more “general” especially since the old tagline didn’t really fit us anymore.

The girls now have a Facebook Page. This is what you need to go “like” in order to get blog post updates along with some different, exclusive content. If you aren’t on the FB page, you might miss something! The Royal Coonhounds

I am going to try to start more interaction with my readers. This means, I’m going to try and start replying to comments! If you have felt like my blog has been a wasteland for your thoughts…fear no more! I will also be interacting on Facebook. I’m already on Facebook all the time, so we all might as well hang out!

Right now, I’ve kept the old theme. But, I do believe that will be changing soon. I want a more customizable layout. For now, I’m sticking with the familiar but be looking for that to change again in the coming weeks.

Merchandise. No, I’m not going to be selling y’all stuff (although, if you really want a t-shirt with my blog name, just let me know 😉 ) But I want to be able have dog stuff with my dogs and their own site. Now I have the site, I just need the swag. And I’m sure Grannie won’t mind toting around some awesome personalized gear!

So, please update your bookmarks, google reader, RSS feed or however it is you find me. Like the Facebook page and you should get the new posts in your news feed.